The Light from Albemuth is a print and electronic anthology that utilizes a tool of divination in a unique way: before sitting down to write a submission, be it story, poem or essay, the author is to do a tarot reading, with the intention that it affects the writing in some way, and then write. Any genre is acceptable, but nothing NC-17, please. Tarot and/or divination do not need to factor into the work itself when it comes to content.
Accompanying the piece should be a short ‘about the author’ blurb, and an explanation of the reading that was done before the author wrote the piece – and how they interpret it. This will be included in the anthology as well, so that as a whole, the book will be two things. First, a collection of short stories, poetry and essays. Second, a peek into how and whether Tarot can guide creativity.
Prose of 1,000 – 7,000 words
Poetry not more than 25 lines
Compensation: One contributor’s copy.
Copyright will be retained by author of work, and once a year from publication has passed, they can have it reprinted anywhere they desire. Publisher only gets first print and first digital publication rights in English, and can only include it in this specific anthology.
Send submissions in .docx format to:
Submissions are open now (July 7, 2024) and will close October 31, 2024, with an expected live date of December 31, 2024.